Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Jasmine Star

Being new in the wedding photography business, I have looked up to a few wedding photographers for inspiration. Two of them of course are my close friends Lindsey and Jonie for LJ Photography. Another is a photographer from California, David Jay. Earlier this year he had a posting about a friend of his Jasmine Star. Her work has change the way I look at my own photography. To see her work stand up to the best men in this business gives me so much drive to do better. Well, Lindsey and I emailed her. I never in a million years thought she would email back, but she did. Here is her email:

Dawn, thank YOU for taking the time to email! It's people like you and Lindsey who make me love what I do even more. I feel so blessed. Thank you!


Jasmine said...

Awww, I feel so special! ;)
Keep on rockin it!