Friday, August 29, 2008


This has a been a really crazy week here in Colorado. Putting politics aside, this is history and in the making. Our country just had accepted it's first black president nominee. I hope that regardless on who you plan on voting for, regardless of what you thought of his speech, you were moved last night. Moved by the fact that your children really can be whatever they want when they grow up. I was about 9 years old the first time I remember understanding there had never been a women president. I was riding in the car with my mom and older sister. My mother was explaining to me that no women had ever run for president and maybe I would be the first one ( mothers, haha ). I said "really"! Then my sister turned around and said " Don't be stupid! There will be a women president before you grow up ( sisters, haha)". Well, she was wrong about that. Right about the fact that we are capable of moving forward. I am really proud of our country today.

On a lighter note. My best friend Lyn was brave enough to head downtown last night. Her brother is a lawyer who was working with People's Law Protects in Denver. They were downtown for the protesters. Just to make sure that everything is done lawfully if arrest were made. By the way, there was and he was there. Check out the Rocky Mountain News to see him in action when they arrested those 100 people. Here is Lyn downtown wearing her brothers hat that will let the cops know he one of the lawyers and not to arrest him. Very cute Lyn!

UPDATE**** John McCain just announced his pick for vice president. Out of left field he picked Alaska's Governor Sarah Palin. That's right, a women. I think we can offically say the gloves are off, haha.

This opens up some interesting questions. Would you vote for McCain because he added a women on his ticket? Did you vote for Hillary only because she is women? Do you think a women would have done as well if she was a Republican? Do you think women who are on the Obama train now vote McCain? Are you voting for Obama only because he is black?


Lyn said...

First of all, the hat was not my brother's, I had my very own hat, thank you very much. Also,my brother informed me that he was not going to make me wear the hat, but I insisted on not only wearing it cock-eyed and every once in awhile flashing the peace sign at random people but that he also took a photo of me doing so. Dont get me wrong, I of course, would remove the hat quickly if I saw a hot lawyer or cop around. So, you're not embarrassing me Dawn. Nice try though. Peace to all of god's creatures!

Dawn Gioia Photography said...

Ok, that was really funny! I love you too!