Thursday, August 21, 2008

Most Peculair Day

I woke up the other morning in a really great mood. My daughter was so happy to just be alive when she woke up, so it was ok that it was 6:30am. My husband had the day off and he usually lets me sleep in when he is home, but I told him to stay in bed. He looked so tired and my daughter looked so cute, I had no desire to go back to sleep. I usually hate breakfast food, but I was really craving it. So, I made my fabulous family a big breakfast. The only plans I had for the day was to get my new Colorado drivers licence. I know what your thinking. I am just now getting my new licence? I am going to put all the blame on the state of Colorado. They don't give you your licence the same day. They give you a piece of paper and mail the new one. Considering how much flying I did this wedding session, I had to wait. My husband stayed home with our daughter while I ran to the DMV. I was happy to be in the car alone. It is one of my new favorite things after becoming a mother. To listen to my ipod without the sound of spongebob in the background is awesome. All you moms know what I am talking about. My fun car ride us ruined with some simple flashing lights. That's right, I got a ticket. I was speeding, so I have know one to blame but myself. When I got to the DMV I was mentally ready was what I was about to walk into. I know we all hate going there and I was ready to spend at least an hour in that place. I was in and out in 15min. I have to say that again. I was in and out of the DMV in 15min. Crazy! On my way home I ran by the bank. I was thinking, the bank during the week, dead. Wrong again. I waited in line at the bank for almost 25min. As I was driving home ( fallowing all the speed limit laws), I could not help but wonder what was going on. Everything was backwards today.

We deiced to drive up to Boulder to take some photos of my daughter. I don't like taking long drives on my days off. It gives me a headache, but I get to take pictures. Trade off! The drive was awesome and my daughter did not want to have her picture taken. I looked over at my husband and said "Lets go home, this day is freaking me out!"

Here are a few of the pictures where you can see our great parenting skills. She is smiling!

My sexy husband

Here are a few where she is telling me about not wanting her picture taken. Yes, she is pointing her finger at me. I would get mad if it was not so cute.


Lindsey Turner said...

Sounds like you had a crazy day! Poppy is just growing so fast. I miss seeing her all the time! I took Jonas for a ride in his wagon today and he just loved it! :)

mark eric said...

She's adorable!