Thursday, September 11, 2008

September 11th

Today is the 7th anniversary of that horrible day in this country. It made me think this morning about what I would tell my daughter when she asked about it. I remember being a kid and asking my parents about where they were when JFK was shot and what it was like to watch Martin Luther King on t.v. I wonder what she would ask me and if I will be able to give her the answers she want.

I remember where I was that day like it was yesterday. My husband ( who was just my boyfriend back then ) was living in Atlanta. I had flown out there on Friday September 7th for a visit. We caught a flight later that night to Maine to see his parents. This was the first time I would be meeting them. We flew into Portland and rented a car. We drove for hours to Guilford ( his home town). We stayed for the weekend and made a trip to the Bar Haber. I remember thinking how wonderful life is. I was in one of the most wonderful coastal towns with a wonder guy. When the weekend was over, we drove back to Portland and caught our flight back to Atlanta It was Sunday the 9th. I would not know until later how being in that airport at that time would be apart of this story. I had planned on flying back Denver on the 11th because I had a wedding to attend on Thursday. I changed my plans and decided to fly back on the 12th. September 11th Bill got up and went to work while I fell back to sleep. For some reason, the phone was ringing off the hook. As soon as I would fall back to sleep, it would wake me up again. Annoyed, I got up to answer it. It was my mother and she was hysterical. All she keep saying was "Thank God your still there, thank God your still there"( I forgot to tell her I changed my plans and they were not sure what plane it was). She told me to turn on the t.v. A plane crashed into the world trade center. Right after turning it on, the second plane crashed into the second tower. I sat there all day and watched it unfold. When Bill got home, we just sat there together and could not believe this was happening to our country.

I was not able to get back home for a week because DIA was one of the last airports to open back up. I later learned that the a few of the terrorist flew from Portland, ME to Boston on Sunday September 9th. There flight left right before ours. If you have every been to the Portland, ME airport, you can see why this is so disturbing. There airport only has 5 gates that are all right next to each other. Its weird to think back and know you were standing so close to evil.

I do have some picture that were taken at the airport that morning, but they are packed away due to our move. Maybe I will share them with you when I get them unpacked. It's funny to look back at those moments. The time seams so innocent.


Lindsey Turner said...

I can't believe that you never told me that story. That is crazy. I'm glad that you didn't get on that flight! :)